So, I know I'm not the first blog-writing, alt-music listening, graphic-novel reading, fashion-interested teenager to have discovered the movie Ghost World or anything, but I watched it last night on youtube and I have to say that I LOVED it. It's really a very beautiful movie, kind of the anti-Amelie, in my opinion. Well, now that I've brought up Amelie an explanation is warranted... Amelie: a quirky french film about a lonely girl who finds beauty in the small, mundane everyday details of her life and performs random acts of kindness, hangs out with insightful old guys and has cute retro fashion sense .
Ghost World: a quirky american film about two lonely girls with affectionate contempt for their suburban habitat who keep up continuously sardonic mockery of the world around them. They also enjoy observing the people and places around them, and Enid (the anti-Amelie herself) keeps a journal as well, but they perform random acts of meanness. Insightful old guys also come into play, but in a much more uncomfortable sense.
Despite the grittier surroundings and pessimistic attitude, I found Ghost World to be just as beautiful and moving (if not more) as the highly stylized Amelie, and it is thought provoking, hilarious and depressing all at the same time. And since I guess this is kind of a fashion blog, I should also add that I am obsessed with Enid's clothes and being a huge garage-sale-junkie I flipped out during the garage sale scene in the movie... What would I not give to rummage through Enid's piles of cast-off retro 50s dresses, cool t-shirts, and schoolgirl skirts?

Ghost World is my favourite movie of all time. No matter what is happening around me, I can always find a Ghost World quote that is situation appropriate.